Source code for

from typing import Iterable, Union, Dict, Tuple

from attr import dataclass

#: the type of a swagger path
SwaggerPath = Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Event: """Base class for an event (an error, an action, ...). """ #: the path in the dictionary to which the even relates path: SwaggerPath #: the reason of the event reason: str #: the string representation of the type of event type: str
[docs] @staticmethod def format_path(path: SwaggerPath) -> str: """Format a path to a JSON Path alike string""" return ".".join(map(str, path))
@dataclass(frozen=True) class Action(Event): type: str
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Error(Event): """Base class for an error """ pass
@dataclass(frozen=True) class Warning(Event): type: str @dataclass(frozen=True) class FilterError(Error): pass @dataclass(frozen=True) class FilterWarning(Warning): pass
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ValidationError(Error): """Base class for a validation error (used in the swagger validation) """ pass
@dataclass(frozen=True) class FilterAction(Action): pass @dataclass(frozen=True) class ValidationAction(Action): pass @dataclass(frozen=True) class ReferenceNotFoundFilterError(FilterError): type: str = "Reference not found" @dataclass(frozen=True) class PathsEmptyFilterError(FilterError): type: str = "Path is empty" @dataclass(frozen=True) class ReferenceNotUsedFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Reference filtered out" @dataclass(frozen=True) class SecurityDefinitionNotUsedFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Security definition removed" @dataclass(frozen=True) class OAuth2ScopeNotUsedFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Oauth2 scope removed" @dataclass(frozen=True) class TagNotUsedFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Tag definition removed" @dataclass(frozen=True) class EndpointRenamedFilterAction(FilterAction): old_path: str new_path: str type: str = "Endpoint renamed by regexp" @dataclass(frozen=True) class EndpointsReplacedFilterAction(FilterAction): new_paths: Dict type: str = "All paths are replaced by explicit paths from mode==DYNAMIC" @dataclass(frozen=True) class EndpointOutByRegexFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Endpoint filtered out by regexp" @dataclass(frozen=True) class TagFilteredOutFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Tag filtered out" @dataclass(frozen=True) class EndpointOutByTagFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Endpoint filtered out by tag" @dataclass(frozen=True) class OperationRemovedFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Operation removed as no filter matched." @dataclass(frozen=True) class OperationChangedFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Operation was modified to match filters." @dataclass(frozen=True) class BasePathEndpointConflictFilterWarning(FilterWarning): type: str = "New basePath incompatible with endpoint path" @dataclass(frozen=True) class EndpointOutByBasePathFilterAction(FilterAction): type: str = "Endpoint filtered out as incompatible with new basePath" @dataclass(frozen=True) class EndpointPathNormalisedFilterAction(FilterAction): old_path: str new_path: str type: str = "Endpoint normalised for new basePath" @dataclass(frozen=True) class BasePathRewrittenFilterAction(FilterAction): old_base_path: str new_base_path: str type: str = "basePath rewritten"
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ParameterDefinitionValidationError(ValidationError): """An error on a parameter definition""" parameter_name: str type: str = "Parameter definition error"
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ReferenceNotFoundValidationError(ValidationError): """An error on a reference used but not found""" type: str = "Reference not found"
@dataclass(frozen=True) class ReferenceInvalidSyntax(ValidationError): """An error on a reference that has not a valid syntax""" type: str = "Reference invalid syntax" @dataclass(frozen=True) class ReferenceInvalidSection(ValidationError): """An error on a reference that refers to a invalid section""" type: str = "Reference invalid section"
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class SecurityDefinitionNotFoundValidationError(ValidationError): """An error on a securityDefinition used but not found""" type: str = "Security definition not found"
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class OAuth2ScopeNotFoundInSecurityDefinitionValidationError(ValidationError): """An error on an OAuth2 scope used but not found""" type: str = "Security scope not found"
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class DuplicateOperationIdValidationError(ValidationError): """An error on two operations using the same operationId """ #: the name of the duplicate operationId operationId: str #: the path of the first operation using the operationId path_already_used: Iterable[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] type: str = "Duplicate operationId"
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class JsonSchemaValidationError(ValidationError): """An error due to an invalid schema""" type: str = "Json schema validator error"
@dataclass(frozen=True) class BasePathValidationAction(ValidationAction): old_path: str new_path: str